i had a dream about a train station and departing on a train
Dreaming about a train station and departing on a train can have various meanings depending on the context of your dream and the emotions you experienced during the dream. Here are some interpretations that might help:
Change or transition: Dreams about leaving on a train may indicate that a significant change or transition is happening or will happen soon in your life. It may be related to a new job, a move, or a personal transformation you're going through.
Adventure or travel: Perhaps you are longing for adventure, exploration, and a new experience. The train journey in your dream may represent your desire for something exciting and unknown.
Leaving something behind: Dreaming about leaving on a train could suggest that you are leaving something behind, be it a relationship, a job, or a situation that no longer serves you.
Moving forward: Another interpretation of this dream is that you're making progress. The train symbolizes momentum, and departing on it suggests you're making progress in life toward your goals and aspirations.
You might want to reflect on how you felt during the dream and what the destination of the train was. These details can provide further insight into what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you.